Tuesday 20 November 2012

One Wok Fork Roast (Char Siew)

A universally beloved BBQ meat, The Char Siew is simply irresistible! There are many proven char siew recipes, secret recipes and family recipes. Each and everyone of us has a distinct preference as to how the taste, the texture, the degree of char, the level of moistness of our favorite char siew. But the bottom line is all so common, it is basically a roasted piece of pork that is slightly sweet.

Of recent, my foodie friends got into a Char Siew craze mode. Sharing their discoveries and even their attempts on making the Great Fork Roasts on Facebook drove me to attempt it recently. I thought, since I have a huge Char Siew Princess with me for the whole week, who would be a more better critic than her? My 9 year old niece, KX is my worst critic. She will tell you as it is, no holds barred and her worst reaction will be displayed on her face and the reflex reaction of the food cannoning out of her mouth confirms one's failure! It is disheartening but I am learning to appreciate her honest feedback but I still think she could have a better way to feedback.

Anyhow, the reason why I am sharing this recipe which I got from the many comparisons from the Internet, its that she gave it a thumbs up and polished off far too many pieces of Char Siew than she was allowed to have!



  • 1 kilo Pork Collar Meat/Belly or if you can find "Suet Fah" Meat, this is the best cut for Char Siew as per our interview with Char Siew Chai of Paramount Gardens (my friend's Meeko's Knight in Shining Armour)
  • 5T Cooking oil
  • 2T Honey or Maple Syrup
  • 2T Maltose
  • 2T Palm Sugar
  • 2T Oyster Sauce
  • 1T Miso paste/crushed yellow bean paste
  • 1T Shio Tsing Wine or Rose Wine
  • 1t White pepper
  • 1t Five Spice Powder
  • 1t Dark Soy Sauce
  • 1t Sesame Oil
  • 1t Salt or Fish Sauce
  • 1t Garlic Paste (optional)
  • 1 cup room temp water


  1. Marinate the pork in a plastic or ziplock bag with all of the above ingredient except for oil, maltose & water.
  2. Stash the bag of marinating pork in the fridge for at least 4 hours, overnight is best.
  3. Remove from fridge to bring it back to room temp before cooking.
  4. Heat a large wok/pan and add in oil. 
  5. Lower the meat into wok/pan and reserve the marinate juice for later use.
  6. Sear all sides of the meat. This process should take about 8-10 mins. We want some colour on the meat.
  7. Once you are happy with the seared colour, pour in the remaining marinate juice and a cup of water.
  8. Bring the sauce to a boil and lower to medium heat and put on the lid to simmer for about 15mins.
  9. Turn the meat over 2-3 times within these 15 mins.
  10. After 15mins, take off the lid and continue simmer for another 15mins.
  11. Turn the meat over 2-3 times within these 15 mins.
  12. We need to reduce the sauce. At this 2nd half of the simmering, you will need to keep a watchful eye at the wok, we do not want to burn the meat. 
  13. You know you are happy when u see slight stickiness and char on the meat and whats left at the bottom of the wok/pan is oil.
  14. Remove the meat from wok.
  15. Heat up your oven to its highest or grill mode.
  16. Thinly coat the meat evenly with maltose.
  17. Stick it in the oven/grill for 2-3 minutes on each side to char it further. Remember to turn the meat in order to char both sides.
  18. Leave to cool completely before consuming.


Searing the Meat

After 30 mins simmering

Grilled to perfection
I like them thick!

Happy KX!

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